Q. Do you think only girls are abused in relationships??
Q. Do you think its normal to have arguments in relationships??
Q. Do you think that girls who wear sexy clothes are ‘asking’ to be sexually assaulted??
Q. Do you think it’s ok to have sex with your partner if they’re extremely drunk or wasted??
Q. Have you ever been a victim of sexual harassment??
Q. Have you ever viewed online pornography??
Q. Would you send your boyfriend or girlfriend a naked selfie??
Q. Have you ever been in an abusive relationship??
Q. Would you feel confident to talk to your partner about what you like sexually??
Q. Do you think having a partner makes you more popular??
Q. Do you own any playboy branded stuff??
Q. Do you think that girls make false rape claims to excuse consensual sex that they regret??
Q. Do you know what the legal age of sexual consent is in QLD??
Q. Have you ever been in a relationship that has lasted longer than 3 months??
Q. Do you think it’s ok to call your partner names when having arguments??
Q. If you saw or heard of another student being sexually harassed or put down would you challenge this behaviour and support the student being sexually harassed??
Q. Is it important that other people think your partner is hot??
Q. Do you think it’s normal for guys to hook up whenever they get the chance??
Q. Do you think it’s ok to watch porn??
Q. Do you think it’s ok for shops to sell bras for small children??
Q. Are you comfortable talking to your partner about your fears and worries??
Q. Do you think that men & women are equally violent in relationships??
Q. Have you ever watched porn to get ‘tips or ideas’??
Q. Would you buy a baby a t-shirt that said Future Porn Star or PIMP??
Q. Have you ever heard people excusing sexual harassment by saying something like, “Boys will be boys”??
Q. Have you ever had an STI or an STI scare??
Q. Would you ask someone out via facebook or a text message??
Q. Do you think it’s important to ask your boyfriend/girlfriend for their consent when kissing, touching or engaging in sexual activity??
Q. Would it concern you if your partner became too serious about the relationship too quickly??
Q. Do you think you get enough relevant and appropriate relationship and sex education in school??
Q. Do you think killing prostitutes in Grand Theft Auto is ok??
Q. Do you think girls who wear short shorts are sluts??