
Sex without consent is rape!

Without consent, any kind of sexual activity is illegal and is classed as sexual assault or rape. If you don’t have consent, for any sexual activity, you are committing a crime and breaching human rights.

Some key things to note about consent:

  • By law, consent cannot be given by a person who is severely intoxicated or unconscious as a result of drugs or alcohol
  • Consent cannot be given by someone who is asleep
  • Across Australia the legal age of consent for sexual interactions is 16 years of age, with the exception of South Australia and Tasmania where it is 17 years of age
  • Queensland is the only State that separates anal sex from all other sexual interactions, with the legal age of consent for anal sex being 18 years of age in Queensland. For all other states and territories anal sex is included in the age of consent for sexual interactions (Australian Institute of Family Studies)


DON’T KNOW IF YOU HAVE CONSENT? Easy. ASK! Consent is not just a legal thing; it’s about being a good person and is a really important part of a healthy and respectful relationship. When everyone is consenting to the sexual activity (whatever it is) everyone is more likely to be relaxed, comfortable and enjoy it.

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