Respect Me Poll
Q. Is it okay for boys to cry?
Respect Me Poll
Q. Do you think its ok for young girls to wear makeup in advertisements?
Respect Me Poll
Q. Is it okay to keep a secret from your parents?
Respect Me Poll
Q. Do you think it's okay to call someone names when in an argument?
Respect Me Poll
Q. Do you know anyone who has been in an abusive relationship?
Respect Me Poll
Q. Are your friends there for you when you need them?
Respect Me Poll
Q. Do your friends make you feel good about yourself?
Respect Me Poll
Q. Do you think it's important to ask someone for their consent before holding hands, touching or kissing?
Respect Me Poll
Q. Do you think it's normal to have arguments in friendships and relationships?
Respect Me Poll
Q. If you saw or heard of another student being bullied or put down would you stand up and support them?